Why Is China “Hardening” Its Air Bases?

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The People’s Republic of China (PRC) is preparing for war. They are mass producing increasingly sophisticated warships, warplanes—supposedly a new sixth-generation plane—nuclear weapons, hypersonic weapons, and an assortment of other platforms that could utterly devastate the United States military and the forces of its allies. All these actions by China are in anticipation of a major military move, either a blockade or an invasion (possibly both), of their democratic neighbor of Taiwan.

A stark report from Nikkei Asia opens with these caustic words: “China has fortified its air bases in recent years with enough concrete to pave a four-lane highway from Washington, D.C. to Chicago.” Similarly, a recent Hudson Institute analysis concluded that the Chinese have “more than doubled the number of ‘hardened’ aircraft shelters since the early 2010s, to over 800 from 370.”

When one looks at the military buildup that China has been engaged in since Xi Jinping became president in 2012, the inclusion of this data point indicates that something much more serious is at hand—and it does not bode well for what is an otherwise under-resourced and poorly defended US military presence in the Indo-Pacific. 

Источник: nationalinterest.org