Russia’s Su-34s Are Pounding Ukrainian Forces in Kursk

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Many Western observers have long claimed Russian President Vladimir Putin is on his last legs. Others are claiming that the Russians are about to fold in Ukraine, if only another tranche of weapons and money are sent to the Ukrainians. Yet in the real world, the Russians just launched a series of brutal airstrikes using their Su-34 and Su-35s—two warplanes that have become the punchline in most Western jokes about Russian military technology. 

Using cluster munitions against what Russian state media has described as a Ukrainian “stronghold” in Kursk, a Russian enclave just across the border from Ukraine that Ukrainian forces attacked and have held for several months, the squadron of Su-34s and Su-35s delivered devastating blows upon the Ukrainians as part of Russia’s ongoing counteroffensive there. 

Fundamentally, the Russians do not need to have systems that are technologically complex the way the Americans and their partners prefer. Instead, Russia just needs systems that are “good enough” to overwhelm the Ukrainians in combat. The Russian way of war has always been nastier than the American way. It tends to work, though.
