Here’s Why Trump Won’t Defend Taiwan

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China is readying to take their democratic neighbor of Taiwan. The only real questions to be asked are: when and how? 

There’s another, more disconcerting point that should be made about Taiwan’s defense against China: specifically, about the Taiwanese themselves. There are many living on that great island nation who will gladly lay their lives down to defend their freedoms in the face of a Chinese assault on Taiwan. 

So the probability that such people are, in any way, numerous enough to stop a determined and robustly supported Chinese military operation against Taiwan is low. That is especially true if the United States and its allies refuse to come to the stricken island’s aid, or if the US and its allies come to the aid of Taiwan in a half-hearted way.

A big problem exists for the United States in that, from a geostrategic point of view, China conquering Taiwan would ensure that the United States lost its primacy in the vital Indo-Pacific region. While the region might not be outrightly denied to the Americans, the United States would be slowly but surely pushed away from a region that has been key for trade by a rising Chinese hegemon.

Already the balance of military power in the Taiwan Strait and South China Sea significantly disfavors the United States. Militarily and economically, the Chinese are already prepared to make a serious attempt against Taiwan, and the Americans would be hard-pressed to stop them. 

Losing Taiwan would not be the end of American power. It would, however, be a severe blow to the superpower.

A Multipolar World

Ultimately, the United States is not living in the unipolar era anymore. We are in a tripolar world system where the United States is in relative decline. Such systems are inherently unstable. Everywhere Trump looks, he will see US power in retreat globally, all while the US economy teeters on the precipice of disaster. Indeed, restoring the US economy will likely consume his first two years in office far more than any foreign matter.
