Quiet As a Dolphin: Nuclear Astute-Class Submarines Make Russia Freak Out

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What You Need to Know: The British Astute-class submarines are among the most advanced nuclear-powered submarines in the world. Known for their stealth, endurance, and cutting-edge technology, their hulls are covered with 39,000 acoustic tiles, enabling them to be as quiet as dolphins and evade detection.

-Equipped with Tomahawk cruise missiles, Spearfish torpedoes, and the Sonar 2076 system, these subs are formidable in both offensive and reconnaissance missions. Additionally, features like video periscopes and dry deck shelters for special operations make them versatile and highly capable.

-Developed as replacements for aging classes, each submarine costs £1.6 billion, offering unmatched naval capabilities.

Astute-Class: Britain’s “Baby Dolphin” Submarines

What makes a submarine such an impressive vessel?

Why is the submarine such an important component of a modern nation’s navy? It all goes back to stealth. You see, a submarine operates deep beneath swirling waves of geopolitical storms, slipping under whatever defenses nations have arrayed to stop seaborne threats, nestling—quietly, covertly—beside unsuspecting targets, and preparing to obliterate those targets at the drop of a proverbial hat. 


When one thinks of advanced nuclear submarines, they invariably think of the United States Navy. Indeed, the Americans have an impressive fleet of modern nuclear-powered submarines. Others, because of the Cold War and Popular Culture, are immediately reminded of the Russian Navy. Again, the Russians possess a truly advanced submarine force. Perhaps some others will think of the growing power that is China. 

Few, however, think of any other nations. Even Britain, despite its long history as being a great maritime empire, is not thought of immediately when one conjures up examples of powerful modern submarine forces. But Britain’s Royal Navy has what might be the most impressive nuclear submarine plumbing the Deep Blue Sea today. 

The Astounding Astute-class Submarines 

That is the Astute-class nuclear-powered submarine. This submarine is known for its stealth, endurance, and armaments package. Yet, its most important feature, that which makes the Astute-class possibly the greatest submarine in the world, is its silence. Its stealthiness when underway. 

The Astute-class submarine’s hull is comprised of 39,000 acoustic tiles that, when rival sonar operators are listening out for the submarines, they are hard to pick up as they are sometimes considered by experts to be as quiet as a Dolphin. Talk about an engineering feat. 


Add that to the fact that these subs sport an impressive armaments package that include the American-made Tomahawk cruise missile, British-made Spearfish torpedoes, and a potent Sonar 2076 capability, meaning that these submarines are virtually unmatched in its ability to threaten rivals. 

Oh, and the Astute-class submarine has an assortment of unique, advanced technological accoutrements, such as video periscopes, that make the boat a technological marvel. What’s more, the submarine has dry deck shelters that can carry British Special Operations Forces into the murky world of covert operations. 

An Irreplaceable Replacement

These boats were meant as a replacement to what was then the Royal Navy’s aging Swiftsure-class and Trafalgar-class submarines. 

Around 1986, the Royal Navy began searching for viable replacements. And, boy, did they find a great replacement in the Astute-class submarines. According to Peter Suciu, “Each of the submarines costs a reported £1.6 billion to build, but the capabilities offered are essentially priceless.” No truer words have ever been spoken when describing the remarkable engineering marvels that are the Astute-class submarines. 

About the Author 

Brandon J. Weichert, a National Interest national security analyst, is a former Congressional staffer and geopolitical analyst who is a contributor at The Washington Times, the Asia Times, and The-Pipeline. He is the author of Winning Space: How America Remains a Superpower, Biohacked: China’s Race to Control Life, and The Shadow War: Iran’s Quest for Supremacy. His next book, A Disaster of Our Own Making: How the West Lost Ukraine, is available for purchase wherever books are sold. Weichert can be followed via Twitter @WeTheBrandon.

Image Credit: Creative Commons. 

Источник: nationalinterest.org